just me.JOYCE.

Jun 26, 2006

once again i'm getting jealous over girls.whenever i know he is going out with girls even if it is in a group.it just drive me crazy.seriously i just hope you can be deleted la.remove you from my memories.
i'm just super dumb.why bother to check his nick when he is online?why bother to see his testi(so damn obvious is from girls la)?girls actually say things like'he forced me to write testi for him.and i only KNOW him today.' wth la.freaking flirt la.i know is your freedom but i just cant take it la.damn.
i want a boyfriend now.create a new story with beautiful memories.
joyce just wan to be happier.
and i cant control myself when it comes to things that gt to do wth him.
i'm so sure i dont love you anymore.but the thought of you and other girls just drive me mad.i dont know the reason.but definitely it is not love.just posessive perhaps.
how can i not be pissed when you watch the same movie as i did today.but you watch it with other girls la.even if is in a group so what.when i saw the nick..tears almost drop.
i really hate you.
i just wish to erase you frm everything.
my greatest wish.
i need someone.
feeling so lousy now!save me someone!
dumb joyce.


  • At 12:22 AM, Blogger ivan. said…

    dumb joyce. real dumb. 11 missed calls.

  • At 12:45 AM, Blogger coconuteresa said…

    forget about him is truely deleting him from your memories..but unfortunately i sensed that you still mind about him..joyce..how can i help u?

  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger joyceee said…

    thanks teresa.i'm fine.just give me more time.and perhaps is just posseiveness and not true love.thanks gal.love you so much!muacks.



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