just me.JOYCE.

Jun 17, 2006

i cant study!

EXAMS are coming.but i cant study.omg.forget it!
bugis trip on thursday with cindy.caught my eyes on this beautiful shorts at topshop-66 bucks la.damn ex!and so many other tops at zara and topshop.but joyce's broke.SO can see, cannot have.hais.damn!
watched garfield yesterday.funny funny la!hahas.bought this eeyore sticker book.cute cute.i love to have peizheng and wenyi at my house.yayness.hahs.they never fail to make me laugh like crazy.
just finish our badminton session.damn tiring la.hahs.but the wind's spoiling everything!boo boo!
and our hero wenyi went rescue for the shuttlecock!super adventureous.
flip thru my dairy for sec four.i miss school now.those after school treats at town.the break time i have with my group of friends at the same old place.our neoprints experience.studying at the fast food restaurants although we always ended up chatting.hais.all these are memories.but joyce will never forget them.
world cup now.everyone having the fever.but i cant feel any..hahas.
time for studying.
joyce hope today is 22june la!damn.
the stupid test is killing me.=(


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