just me.JOYCE.

May 24, 2006


the 2 crazy girls!
the 2 beautiful girls.all frm BLT.but you see the difference!hahas.
the four of us having our honey stick.omg we look dumb!
me and qianjun in our N95 masks.lol.
this is my surprise!my 3 goody friends secretly bought this!OMG i love this eeyore and also qianjun teresa huixian.
today lucky colour is PINK and i wore pink and it really works!omg.i'm so so so happy today.school ended early today too!yayness.
first it was the surprise frm my beloved girls!i love it like anything.and we scream laugh giggle like so loud today!happy happy.had a light lunch followed by mashed potato!got to really control my diet yea,have been exceeding all the calarioes each day.oh gosh!
although joyce's birthday is 2 months later.
but she already got it all planned!
excited. :)


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