just me.JOYCE.

May 13, 2006


was crapping with my dearest perizheng earlier on when we went for a movie(when a stranger calls-not nice!).had pastamania for lunch and staty beehoon(chomp chomp) for dinner.i love FOOD!hahas.i talked to her bout my dream..and one more thing i HATE CROWDS LA.today is so damn crowded!!
i wanna find a good guy and be with him for 8 years.(why 8 years?i don't know.heh)get married on the same day as the anniversary.earn myself a car by 25 and finished my degree.hahas.i wan to work in a lab too.hahs.
thats how its goes.but still is daydreaming.heh.
had a great day yesterday too.went to geylang.had tian qi chou and durians and twister fries and ICE CREAM!wolala.lots of laughters and joyce is happy.
wednesday was a great shopping spree too!with my beloved peizheng and wenyi.bought like s many stuff la.but joyce feel good getting all her stuffs!hahas.woohooo.
going for a run tml morning!


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