just me.JOYCE.

Apr 29, 2006


met up in the morning for flag day with kailin qianjun and qianjun's best friend.heh.ITS SCORCHING HOT this morning.we were all sweating like hell.manage to get our tins 1 tenth full.a little pathetic but still we tried our best.
headed to geylang next for our duo jiang yu tiao and taiwan noodles(oyster mian xian).ITS SUPERB!!yummyyummy..
went to bishan to look for qiuxia but we are far too early.so we wasted our time at the fox sales artium hoping to DIG out some great stuff.but we FAILED.went home empty handed.actually is quite fun,digging the clothes like aunties and feeling pround when we found something great.wahahaha.
finally qiu qiu ended her job.went to the coffee shop nearby to have our dinner.fried rice with kang kong and hot plate beancurd!thumbs up.delicious.
settle down at coffee bean and there start our gossiping session.one hour past and we were already laughing like crazy.the next hour was spend with xiangying.qianjun and xiangying way of communication is totally entertaining.laugh laugh laugh.honestly i enjoy GIRLS TALK to the fullest.it never fails to make me happy and happier.wahahahah!ended the day spending 2 full hours at coffee bean with our NON STOP chatting.yayness.=)
looking forward to monday's k box and next saturday's suntanning.i'm loving it!
thursday was another fruitful day.finally i tried my thomson rd roti prata.its yummy.so so crispy la.mussels soup and claramari rings was scrumptious too!
I HAD MY BLOOD TAKEN FOR THE FIRST TIME on friday.its painful la.
meeting peizheng and wenyi tml having ba ku teh.oh my.i'm getting FAT and FATTER each day.i need to stop all this eating.but i simply can't help resisting the temptation.damn.
I"M GETTING MY PAY AND PHONE TML.lalalala.joyce is super happy now.heh.
mens.studying time now.coolness.


  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger xiangying said…

    heyhey. xiangying here. nice talking sessions with you all. hope to see you all soon!! take care! ((: weee..


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