just me.JOYCE.

Apr 19, 2006


FINALLY I ENDED MY CONTRACT IN HANG TEN!omg.waited for this day like a century ago.life's totally torturing there.and i'm happy now.

another phase of my life have just ended.next is my new semester in a totally new environment with semi-totally new people(at least i know a few of them).rather scary going to school without kailin and qiuxia.another round of mixing with new people.i dont like all this.i just like to stick with what i have and i'm contented.

heading to queenstown tomorrow with ah zheng to shop for my new shoe.hopefully i can get one PRETTY puma shoe at a good price.

the days ahead are planned with stuff.

  • class steamboat on saturday
  • friday tuition with ah zheng
  • sunday is my newborn nephew's birthday.

things that i gonna shop for before school starts

  • a pair of shoes
  • a pair of long pants(green)
  • two polos
  • shorts
  • and a PHONE(k750i or any other model)

too many to get.too little money.this is getting on my nerves!

I HAVE GOT MY NEW ADIDAS WATCH!orange and black.beautiful.

dates i have promised

  1. desiree's date
  2. every saturday night dinner with my three beloved mo3 babes.
  3. next friday night dinner with xin ping!
  4. excerise marathon starting today with wenyi.

looking forward to each dates.

i'm getting use to the life without him.

thanks girls for your support and concern.love all of you so much!kailin qianjun peizheng qiuxia desiree and xin ping.you gals rock my life!muacks.thanks ivan too.

good nights people.


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