just me.JOYCE.

Mar 18, 2006


I LOVE MY PUMA BELT!pretty pretty.
went to catch mine yours and ours,super nice movie.i love it.touching and funny.pastamania was great.spending time with peizheng is always superb!the other half of the day was working.boring boring.
tuesday was really enjoyable.went to the zoo with my sweet and maxim.yeah!i'm happy cuz i saw so so many animals la.the money were funny.making some silly noise.polar bear is huge and the white tiger swimming in the water is amazing.i love outing with my sweet.
working in hang ten is really a wrong choice.although the people there are nice but their policy is bad really bad.anyway.to my dearest qianjun-don't brood over the incident okies?the horrible ash is going to get his retribution real soon.lets just be strong ya?
sweet is at his friend chalet now.and i'm missing him is like so many day i never see him la.i love you sweetie.
working tml again.=(


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