just me.JOYCE.

Mar 3, 2006

i know i'm in the fault today.no i shouldn't say is totally my fault is was just coincidence that my phone was low batt and stuff.i know u meant well and is was really very sweet of you.but i just hope you understand i do love you and i'm sorry.i admit that i didnt have enough time for you and i know not having time isnt any excuse.but i promise i'm going to compensate soon okies?

is really sad whenever i try to make up for you and you reject.i know i'm been saying sorry for upteen times.you may be used to it but that was the least i can do to tell you i'm really sry.
the many things that happen nowadays is not within my control and i seek for your undertsanding.

i just want to let you know i'm not good at making you happy now.all i can do now is to tell you i truly love you and only you.


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