just me.JOYCE.

Feb 25, 2006

just finish memorising de rections for organic chem.i'm hardworking i know.wooohooo.
wednesday was one of the day i really enjoyed myself.went to sch in the morning for test and make up lecture.woohoo.went to qianjun dentist to see her change her braces to RED colour.same with qiuxia ya.we took cab to and fro.like princesses.hahs.after lecture we chiong to our sakae sushi at west mall by cab again.hahas.its cabbie day.reach there at 4 wasted an hour of buffet.hais thanks to the irritating people in our lecture!!!
at first we had fun globbing up the food there as much as we could.hahas together withthe toliet smell also.oh my i LOVE sushi sooo nice!but happy moments dun last cuz the 3 of them gang up and BULLY me.especially qianjun.super betrayer princess ya!bad gal.heh.they took sooooooooo many pictures without me la.how can like tat treat such a nice and cute and gentle gal ya.mei liang xing de nu renS!waaaa.well in the ned they still cant resist the temptation of talking to me!yeahs.and we took photos TOGETHER heh.nice photos ya.saw kailin friendster..u said we changed true enough the pics we took really shows our changes!all of us become more pretty le.cool man!
yesterday went to catch final destination with sweet!is super nice!so thrilling.thru out i was squezzing sweetie hand.hahas.very nice show!thanks to qianjun recomendation!i love sweet when he cycle me ard.the feelings is great.hehe.i love you honey!
i'm excited now!cuz i'm meeting yongling and peizheng tml.i'm sure is gonna be another enjoyable day.miss you girls sooooo much!
spend my friday night at home with my tv lappy and books.boring friday!


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