just me.JOYCE.

Feb 2, 2006

heh.chinese new year goodies.ba guan.love letters.pineapple tarts and so so so many more.i lOVE them so mush.hahas.and most of all the ANGBAOS!!yeahs.this year i only collected 200 plus.a little lesser than the previous years.i enjoyed my new year!
spend my eve with my family at the angbao river.watched the fireworks its 0 mins long.damn nice.wooohoo.den we headed to chinatown.got some really cheap goodies!
da nian chu yi i was at home.ah ma lives with me.so everybody come visit my house.wahahas.
da nian chu er i went to my da yi house for visiting.den back to my cousins house and headed to bishan for i'm not stupid too.nice show.cried heh.
da nain chu san went to sweet house.ate kfc played games.
da nian chu si we had our class bbq at east coast.we skipped most of the afternoon lessons.went hm change and headed to east coast.i finally can say i KNOW how to cycle le.yeah.this time round i cycled for one hour.my skills were bad though.hahas.ate bbq stuffs.see stars.play games.jokes.and home sweet home.1mo3 rocks.yeahs.
going to cindy house now.gotta rush for our comtool tml.
missing you my sweet!love ya like anything and miss you like crazy!


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