just me.JOYCE.

Jan 7, 2006

.we rocks!.

i enjoy myself to he fullest today!wahahas.and i'm super happy!went on a double date with sweetie,qianjun and enqing.omg.i didnt expect it to be so fun la.heh.thanks u guys for making this outing so enjoyable.=)you rocks!
early in the morning i met sweet at my house bus stop.BUT he was late and he didnt bring his student card.so this led to us having a small fight.well.since is just a small puny tiny mistake i decided to forgive him.hahas.so we took a cab to jurong east.is 10 BUCKS la.so expensive.xin tong for him.heh.den we had kfc while waiting for qianjun.they came.
ICE SKATING is fun!heh.is just my second time skating.so it was pretty scary at first,but after a while is super fun.i still cant skate now.only with sweet holding on to my hands and going round and round.hahas.met a pro i skating girl.she approach me and offer to teach me.i didnt decline cuz i didnt have the chance to.she is very arrogant and her wods are crude too.so sweet qj and eq was not happy with her.heh.but i think she is really pro and she is friendly to me too!=)next we headed to the acarde to have a few games.
jurong imm was next!we headed differen ways.sweet and me went to secret recipe.both of us have new york cheese cake and ice choco with cream.its nice.yummy.we shared a meatball spag too.that wasnt very nice.hahas.shopping ard imm.its boring.finally we met up with qianjun again.
hahas.on our way to chinatown.qianjun and me found our that both of us fight with our bf on he fisrt day of the new year.and this started our NON STOP complaining.hahas.and found out guys are really irritating and all of them have the same weaknessES!we had a graet laugh.and think the guys should be gulity bot it!heh.
well.we waited for like so long and so squeezy and so warm and we just got a "pop pop" few fireworks that are yellow ONLY.so sad la.the fire carckers also we didnt get to see.so we dragged ourself to delifrance.thats where the fun really start.we found ourselves some cosy place to rest.order a few wings and prawns.and know wad.we saw this free bread lying somewhere and we took one whole stick back.its really big la and 4 packets of butter.its so paiseh.but its FREE!so we took like nobody business.heh.ate laugh and hide from the manager."POP"a loud one.and we look up and saw FIREWORKS.really nice ones.with many design and colours.all of us left our seats and went outside to watch.its really nice.i enjoyed myself.and know wad happen next.we saw a plate of spag on ur table.omg its free cuz we didnt ordered.so lucky right.think the waiter place it on the wrong table.heh.lucky us.and we thought we are on "gotcha" that show.so funny la.laughters and craziness!!!
we are tired.so decided to go home.an umbrella fight with qianjun ended my day with enqing and her.sweet send me home.laugh and talk on the way.i simply love spending time with him regradless of wad we are doing.=)ended my day with sweetie with a goodbye kiss.i really enjoyed myself today.good laugh,good food,good friends and good sweetie.hope to have more outing again.i LOVE them!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAILIN!wishing you all the best.hope that you have enjoyed yourself on this special day too=)kailin rocks!take care lady.
joyce loves him forever.thanks my dear for everything and most importantly ur tolerance.love you lots. 942 days!


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