just me.JOYCE.

Jan 13, 2006

.things that had happen to me.

At this point i'm feeling kinda sick of the never ending tasks that i need to complete.its simple just NEVER ending.got myself over with 2 presentation.and now,let me count 1..2..and 3 more to go.in fact 4 including my TLS.its so sick la!on top of that i still got to rush for reports and test.its gonna be a fresking busy week for me ahead.i jsut hope to get over with it asap!so shitty.well.enough of grumbling.back to stuffs that can make me really happy.heh.=)
got back my OBC paper.that freaking module!i score 76.i'm SUPER glad!its unexpected and so much than wad i had expected.hahas.and also i got 24.5 for comtool.tats really brightens my day too.didnt know my king penguins report did me proud.hahas!
shopping spree.woohoo!!went on monday with cindy to bugis and i got so many stuff for new year.yay!2 tops and a jean skirt.heh.i still got shoes,slipper and pants to get.heh.so by now i already have 5 tops fro new year.abit too much though.hahas.i always and never fail to enjoy shopping with my cindy.i just love it heh.
tuesday.got to apologise to my dearest pei zheng.i didn't go out with you.i'm utterly sorry.i promise i will go visit you some time soon okies.really sorry!i'm kinda busy with work and stuff.=( well.so i went to bugis with sweet to get my square cut from levis.i love it.thanks sweet to be so generous and pay for me.i really appreciate it!but ur love and concern is my much more valuable than that.heh.had mos burgar and we headed hm.
thursday.our clumsy creative presentation for cell bio.heh.i had fun though.hahas.sch ended early so tot of catching a movie with qiu xiong.but didnt get any right timing or location so we headed hm.and many events happened and i ended up spending my afternoon at sweet house.and i got to apologise to sweet bot tis.I'M SORRY my dearest honey!
friday.which is today.meet sweet and his nephew maxim at plaza sing.went to after my jeans first and followed by the acarde.omg we spend so much there la.played some games including the stacking game,basketball and that kind of catching soft toys machine.but the sad thing we didnt win ourselves anything.went to toa payoh next.brought maxim to the playground at kiddy palace.he was playing so happily there!we sat there and watched.the boy's innocence and cheerfulness is sth that is hard to find now.headed to sweet house next.there comes our pillow fight again.i simply love fighting with sweet,is so so so so so FUN!
i just feel like slowing down our pace of doing our stuff.
there are so many things i wanna do:
1.the bungee jump at clark quay
2.shopping for my shoes and pants
3.watch the many many movies that i'm interested in
4.meeting up with pei zheng.
5.double dating again.
6.having more extra time for me to SLEEP!
i love u my sweet!happy 31 month aniversary(wednesday.11/01/06)!!!*kiss*


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