just me.JOYCE.

Mar 9, 2006


yeah.me and qianjun found a job at hang ten ya.the pay is rather low but we really need a job ya.so just hope is going to be a FUN job.heh.
everybody love my brownie only qiu xia never say she love it.bad qiu xiong!i'm happy cuz it was my first try.wahahahs.
meet up with qianjun and qiu xiong at causeway point.went for job interview with qianjun.gave pei zheng her gift and the brownie.I"M SO SORRY GAL THAT I CANT ACCOMPANY YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!I REALLY FEEL GULITY!SORRY SORRY SORRY!!promise you will make up for you some day okies? sweet went to meet pz together with me.had dinner with him.jokes,slapping game,his burping session and his hug.really love him so so much!!
i'm starting work tml.and is 1030 am to 1030 pm.is so so long la.hais.i'm working at great world lucky is rather a quiet branch i think.gonna have no time to shop,talk and sleep le.i'm not happy but cuz of money.got no choice ya.
going to have lesser time spend with you le sweetie.hope is not going to affect our relationship.cuz i still love you so so much!
tml shall be the start of my boring life.work work work!


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