just me.JOYCE.

Mar 29, 2006


TML IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!!because its mine long awaited offday and my ma ma birthday.
woohoo.days at hangten are horribly long and tiring!pampered myself with ice cream on my way home.actually days are pretty nice when there is francisca 'bloody hell' anderson werid singing ocassionally visit from hweeting.
met my darling today FINALLY!didnt meet up for like 13 days.had 2 heated arguments.bad bad bad.but i still love him!
last friday was an awesome friday night!had 2 free movies.yayness.failure to launch and district 13 with peizheng and wenyi and jarryd.the day was great.i love it!finally had my long john slivers!yummy together with prawns!
last thursday was spent singing for 3 full hours at k box and working.=0
last tuesday was MARVELLOUS!had fun that day.and my bread was squashed and char kway tiao was delicious.
going cycling tml.i'm looking forward!
joyce miss everyone.


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