just me.JOYCE.

Apr 12, 2006


HAD FEVER LAST NIGHT.39.1*c!totally weak.thanks to the long working hours and boring rountine.feeling so much better now.
last wednesday went to town with peizheng.friday was spend at newton circus and bishan.great food and totally FUN!
i'm getting lazy to blog.
anyway i'm really getting use to the life of being alone without you.i dont know if its right.hais.our memories and photos and so many other stuff gonna become history.i'm sad but i will be strong enough to get over it.i hope.
heh.today is WEDESDAY again.my off day!meeting peizheng at three.having ichiban later followed by a movie.yay!
ohhhh.i got myself a beautiful pairs of slippers and my dearest gal got me the bag that i fell in love with.a kiss for you baby.muacks.
a new phone and a pair of shoes to go!
sometimes i really miss the peeps that i once hang out with,still hanging out with and also those that we have lost contacts.flipping through some old stuff does bring back the sweet memories i had.
ONE BIG NEWS!i'm ending this yucky job on 18 of april.great!=)and is cindy's birthday.


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