just me.JOYCE.

Apr 26, 2006


just ended my three days at NUH.finished bathing and i'm feeling CLEAN!the people there make it sounds as if we are infested with all the bateria and stuff whenever we enter the hospital.crap like-you cannot bring the pen you use in the lab home,the pen is 'dirty'.how scary can it be la!damn.
first day was a intro intro thingy.get to see the new class mates.eh.no much comment.but specially for kailin i got one.'ng jingen is in the same group as me!'woohoo.jealous?heh.
really miss kailin and qiuxia so so much.life without you girls are bad!but with qianjun ard is still makes me happy!and one more thing.thanks for the prank from kl and qx for my first day of sch yea!argh.he is always cute in my eyes okies?
qianjun and i went to wisma for jap food.totally thumbs up!yummy.headed home next.TIRED!
second day.rushed!i did blood test!omg is so interesting la.learning all the antigens and antibodies.and is hands on!really cool.although i was confused abt the therory.heh.still i dont get to enjoy the company of friends yea.we were like on our tasks and i think i didnt talk for more than 10 sentences that day!so unlike me la.this is killing me.slept at 7 pm and woke up at 7 am.drop dead tired!
today.had lectures at NUH.super boring la.me and qianjun was like dozing off every lecture!and mind you we had 4 lectureS today.we were at wonderland most of the time.so didnt understand any single shit!
so in conclusion.life in NUH was alright.if more friends were there it would be better la.i really miss mo3.
going back to NP tml.yayness.=)


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