just me.JOYCE.

Apr 26, 2006


22 april 2006
just wanna blog abt this day.the day goes like this..
met up qianjun at np so that she can accompany me to find my way to NUH.so that i wont be LOST on my first day of school.visited her ah ma at the hospital.
we had our dinner together.great food.we ate to our fullest.yummy!took many photos those posted on the previous entry.had fun.i didnt see qianjun for like a month or so la.miss her like crazy and finally we met up!
went all the way to bugis at 8 to meet the class.suppose to have a class steamboat,unfortunlately it didnt work out.still the few of us manage to meet up.there were weixin teressa sebestian leonard nicholas and QIUXIA.yeah.she was the main motivation for us to travel from one end of singapre to the other end la!lots of laughthers and jokes.we sat at coffee bean chit chatting.nice day.catching up with people i had not seen for so long.BUT kailin didnt go.so gal we must meet up this saturday as promised okies?miss you so much!
jokes laughthers and my beloved girls.treasure them alot.
anyway my excerise marathon was a success manage to excerise 4 days.great job!heh.slim down a little is suppose.sunday was spend tutoring peizheng and wenyi at mac.finally i had mac hotcakes.delicious.we spend almost 40 bucks in MAC.we ate lots of junks.heh.great day.i had family gathering too on sunday.its baby elton birthday.love my cousins so much!catch up with the girls.theirs studies boyfriends and stuf.girls talk rocks!=)
and i motivated to go to university.


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