just me.JOYCE.

May 9, 2006


first i'm now currently at haemotology session looking at cells that are so similar yet asking us to differeniate them.is tough la.exams on next friday.wth.
how this boo boo day goes:
-had this terrible tummy ache in the morning
-horrible time identifying the cells
-its raining and i cant have my after school jog with qianjun
-on the way home i realised i left my locker keys, name tag and my notes on top of the locker
-rushed all the way back to NUH
-chasing after the bus but it didnt wait for us
-another damn bus pass by without our notice!!
-waited for 10 mins for 151!
and now joyce is safe and sound at home.
in conclusion today is a lousy day!!


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