just me.JOYCE.

May 7, 2006


its sunday!heh.i love sundays.just finish spying on colin and kero blog-they are really sweet if they are of opp sex.such a waste.cute guys too.but still their blog is interesting!
the last of whole week was spend in school.finished my blood bank exam and going over to haemotology tml.i'm gonna miss testing blood yea.heh.got my new phone together with peizheng.hahas.we never fail to get the same photo.i LOVE my phone!!got a nice theme too.=)
watched MI3 on wednesday.thumbs up.its thrilling la.worth watching and tom curise is CUTE!
went to thomson rd again yesterday with my beloved girls.we had prata and kang kong and a horrible peach alcohol!heh.three stubborn girls was bugging me the whole night!!pestering me to come my house.evil girls.hahas.without fail we had fun again.great time gossiping again.heh!!awesome outing!i'm looking forward to every saturday.
and one more thing.PLEASE don't make out lies just to help yourself gain some favour and get your girl.if you are a flirt just simply admit it and dont make it sound like you are the one dumping girls when not even one had acepted you la.i hate you too and all along i have been.
have been exercising more often now.i wanna look pretty!wolalala.
i'm still not use to the life of being single.but i will never go back to him.
joyce loves her friends so much.=)
i wanna be loved.
*cant get the photos uploaded.damn!


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