just me.JOYCE.

May 21, 2006


went for tanning today.only the two of us.lovely?
our bags on towels!!
pretty pretty pretty.
i LOVE the toilets.is nice!
our beautiful nails.

fruitful day!
woke up early today and went to tan with qianjun.didn't get very tan but at least better than before.met a reptile during our tanning session.both of us were totally freaking out!we chat,chat and chatted!
headed to toapayoh next.had pastamania.yummy!next is where my 50 bucks flew to..went for manicure pedicure and eyebrown shapping!wow.its so princess-ssy!super comfortable and my nails are so pretty!
yesterday was spend at chomp chomp tgt with kailin qiuxia and peizheng.we ate like so many dishes la.kangkong lala stingray carrotcake sataty fishcake-tofu and the giantic sugarcane.thumbs up!=)
we had some DIY suana and a super fun excerise session with peizheng in the afternoon.
i'm loving it!


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