just me.JOYCE.

May 20, 2006


just came back from mo3 class bbq.and i'm dead tired now.
however at this point of time i felt blessed and thinks that joyce's life is beautiful(at least for now)!!although it is not that fantastic or interesting as compared to others.but i'm simply contented.
i love my family.as in we are not those who only meet up once in a year that kind.my aunties uncles cousins nepwhew nieces always meet up.we have family gathering almost every week.i felt the closeness and warmth a family can give.
for friends.i have this bunch of wonderful people in mo3 that really brightens up my day whenever we had gathering like today.we were be laughing till we have cramps and simply enjoyed the company of each other.now in BLT i have another smaller bunch of friends which include everpretty mindy,nosiy wendy and jing en daddy!having them ard does make my day slpendid in school!also not forgetting my twin soul-qianjun and my two goody friends-huixian and teresa!having ivan ard to chat with me everyday without fail is wonderful too.and most importantly my dearest bestfriend-peizheng who will always be there and forever there.our friendship lasted for 10 years and i really treasure it!
schooling is not as dreadful now.at least what i'm learning and going thru now is my interest and strenght!this makes things much better.
so in conclusion.joyce is contented.treasure everything that i have now and really thanks everyone for making my life so colourful!

had haemotology test today.kinda screwed up.but i still hope its not that badly done yea.

headed for bbq next.had a awesome time today.firstly i saw my beloved kailin and qiuxia again.omg.i love them like crazy.chit chatting.making fun of kailin and yong ming.went to the pool there to play.suana room.photo taking session ended the day.(class photo and our bitchy girls' pose potraits)

joyce had a fabulous day today.


  • At 2:25 AM, Blogger coconuteresa said…

    hey!u never mention me.. =( but anyway glad u enjoyed yourself!so glad u're in BLT with me too!whahahaha! =D

  • At 5:59 PM, Blogger joyceee said…

    i did mentioned you!read again okies.hahas.i'm glad too!=)


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