just me.JOYCE.

Jun 12, 2006

another long paragraph

title suggested by kailin.hahas.
it have been such a long time i blogged abt my beloved girls.have been so busy with school and stuff.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY QIANJUN!wahahas.celebrated her b'dae today with kailin and qiuxia.so FUN la.k box in the morning!scream and jumping at de sofa like crazy.ITS TIRING!kailin's new way of losing weight.lol.followed by a movie-slither.damn gross.some slimy slimy thingy.pucks!chomp chomp for dinner was last.super filling.feel damn fat now la.been eating like non stop!
yesterday and some where last last week was shopping spree.had a great harvest!new SHORTS TOPS earrings and bikinis!omg cannot believe it when me and kailin actually bought bikinis.hahas.its brown and blue.PRETTY!
exams are coming.feeling the stress!lectures notes are far too tough to be understand.hais.gonna work harder.mugging time for this week!
oh ya.birdy and me went for a slimming thingy at citispa.so fun la.they put some belt thing ard me and i laugh like mad.so ticklish la.lol.and the steam room was good.
going to gym with kailin tml.yayness!


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