just me.JOYCE.

Jun 24, 2006


just came back frm camp.
suffering from bodyache and mosquito bites everywhere la.didnt sleep much during the camp.damn tiring la.the camp was alright.people there are fine.not fantastic.aiya.joyce never enjoys camping.so it wasnt really fun for me.
had my entire life first night walk.scare the freak out of me.i was screaming thru the whole walk.almost wanted to die there la.damn scare!my partner was freak out by me too.so the both of us was SCARE!shit thing la.just dont get it why they make us do this.BUT we seem to be the only pair screaming and scare la.dumb ass.
the next day was amazing race at ochard.not bad.pretty fun.singing with the blindman at the ochard station tunnel was totally memorable.people stopping just to look.how embarassing can it be la.the night was performance.and we make a fool out of ourselves.great.
so the camp was OK.
i SCREWED up my paper.well done.one whole essay i wrote rubbish.there goes my ten marks.joyce pray she can at least pass the paper!:(
but at least the shopping trip after the paper was GREAT.hahs.bought a zara tee shirt and a dorothy perkins sleeveless.both is nice.
change the blogskin.was sick of the old one.this is simplier and nicer.
joyce's mood is bad today.
thats all.


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