just me.JOYCE.

May 27, 2006


i miss your smile.
i miss the way you crap with me.
i miss the way you look into my eyes.
i miss the way you protect me.
i miss your hugs your smses your voice.
i miss the movies times.
i miss the quarrels and fights we always had.
i miss everything that got to do with you.
but i know the feeling is no longer the same.
the feelings now is not love but pure missing.
i really miss you.
but there is nothing i can do because i dont want everything to repeat itself.
it really hurts and i hate it.
i prefer to have you in my deepest part of my heart where no one can replace.
in there it stores all the beautiful memories.
but i know its all over.
please forget abt our pac two years later.
i dont think i can keeep the promise anymore.
goodbye my dearest you.
i thought i had overcome the life without you.
i thought i'm enjoying it.
but today.i felt the emptiness.
i dont want to feel this way!
because i know we were never go back to before.
and i know you are no longer mine.
the love is never the same too.
is simply just some memories i can't bear.
joyce wish to have someone who can give her the same memories minus all the hurting memories.
*did some charity work today.spend time with the kids at some bouncy thingy.they had fun.i had fun too.
movie anyone?i wanna watch over the hedge!
goodbye my love.
i miss you.

May 24, 2006


the 2 crazy girls!
the 2 beautiful girls.all frm BLT.but you see the difference!hahas.
the four of us having our honey stick.omg we look dumb!
me and qianjun in our N95 masks.lol.
this is my surprise!my 3 goody friends secretly bought this!OMG i love this eeyore and also qianjun teresa huixian.
today lucky colour is PINK and i wore pink and it really works!omg.i'm so so so happy today.school ended early today too!yayness.
first it was the surprise frm my beloved girls!i love it like anything.and we scream laugh giggle like so loud today!happy happy.had a light lunch followed by mashed potato!got to really control my diet yea,have been exceeding all the calarioes each day.oh gosh!
although joyce's birthday is 2 months later.
but she already got it all planned!
excited. :)

May 21, 2006


went for tanning today.only the two of us.lovely?
our bags on towels!!
pretty pretty pretty.
i LOVE the toilets.is nice!
our beautiful nails.

fruitful day!
woke up early today and went to tan with qianjun.didn't get very tan but at least better than before.met a reptile during our tanning session.both of us were totally freaking out!we chat,chat and chatted!
headed to toapayoh next.had pastamania.yummy!next is where my 50 bucks flew to..went for manicure pedicure and eyebrown shapping!wow.its so princess-ssy!super comfortable and my nails are so pretty!
yesterday was spend at chomp chomp tgt with kailin qiuxia and peizheng.we ate like so many dishes la.kangkong lala stingray carrotcake sataty fishcake-tofu and the giantic sugarcane.thumbs up!=)
we had some DIY suana and a super fun excerise session with peizheng in the afternoon.
i'm loving it!

May 20, 2006


just came back from mo3 class bbq.and i'm dead tired now.
however at this point of time i felt blessed and thinks that joyce's life is beautiful(at least for now)!!although it is not that fantastic or interesting as compared to others.but i'm simply contented.
i love my family.as in we are not those who only meet up once in a year that kind.my aunties uncles cousins nepwhew nieces always meet up.we have family gathering almost every week.i felt the closeness and warmth a family can give.
for friends.i have this bunch of wonderful people in mo3 that really brightens up my day whenever we had gathering like today.we were be laughing till we have cramps and simply enjoyed the company of each other.now in BLT i have another smaller bunch of friends which include everpretty mindy,nosiy wendy and jing en daddy!having them ard does make my day slpendid in school!also not forgetting my twin soul-qianjun and my two goody friends-huixian and teresa!having ivan ard to chat with me everyday without fail is wonderful too.and most importantly my dearest bestfriend-peizheng who will always be there and forever there.our friendship lasted for 10 years and i really treasure it!
schooling is not as dreadful now.at least what i'm learning and going thru now is my interest and strenght!this makes things much better.
so in conclusion.joyce is contented.treasure everything that i have now and really thanks everyone for making my life so colourful!

had haemotology test today.kinda screwed up.but i still hope its not that badly done yea.

headed for bbq next.had a awesome time today.firstly i saw my beloved kailin and qiuxia again.omg.i love them like crazy.chit chatting.making fun of kailin and yong ming.went to the pool there to play.suana room.photo taking session ended the day.(class photo and our bitchy girls' pose potraits)

joyce had a fabulous day today.

May 17, 2006


wolala.just came back from movie with qiuxia kailin and qianjun.hahas.great movie.super thrilling!!heh.bought myself a pair of heels!beautiful.=)
haemotology is killing me.for two days i have been staying in the lab frm 9 am to 8 pm.wth.looking at slides and rushing to get all de concept right into my head.hais.is just too tough for me handle!having my exam on friday..wish me good luck people.
i love my gals so much!they simply rocks my life!
off to mug for my prac test!
good nights people.

May 13, 2006


was crapping with my dearest perizheng earlier on when we went for a movie(when a stranger calls-not nice!).had pastamania for lunch and staty beehoon(chomp chomp) for dinner.i love FOOD!hahas.i talked to her bout my dream..and one more thing i HATE CROWDS LA.today is so damn crowded!!
i wanna find a good guy and be with him for 8 years.(why 8 years?i don't know.heh)get married on the same day as the anniversary.earn myself a car by 25 and finished my degree.hahas.i wan to work in a lab too.hahs.
thats how its goes.but still is daydreaming.heh.
had a great day yesterday too.went to geylang.had tian qi chou and durians and twister fries and ICE CREAM!wolala.lots of laughters and joyce is happy.
wednesday was a great shopping spree too!with my beloved peizheng and wenyi.bought like s many stuff la.but joyce feel good getting all her stuffs!hahas.woohooo.
going for a run tml morning!

May 9, 2006


first i'm now currently at haemotology session looking at cells that are so similar yet asking us to differeniate them.is tough la.exams on next friday.wth.
how this boo boo day goes:
-had this terrible tummy ache in the morning
-horrible time identifying the cells
-its raining and i cant have my after school jog with qianjun
-on the way home i realised i left my locker keys, name tag and my notes on top of the locker
-rushed all the way back to NUH
-chasing after the bus but it didnt wait for us
-another damn bus pass by without our notice!!
-waited for 10 mins for 151!
and now joyce is safe and sound at home.
in conclusion today is a lousy day!!

May 7, 2006


its sunday!heh.i love sundays.just finish spying on colin and kero blog-they are really sweet if they are of opp sex.such a waste.cute guys too.but still their blog is interesting!
the last of whole week was spend in school.finished my blood bank exam and going over to haemotology tml.i'm gonna miss testing blood yea.heh.got my new phone together with peizheng.hahas.we never fail to get the same photo.i LOVE my phone!!got a nice theme too.=)
watched MI3 on wednesday.thumbs up.its thrilling la.worth watching and tom curise is CUTE!
went to thomson rd again yesterday with my beloved girls.we had prata and kang kong and a horrible peach alcohol!heh.three stubborn girls was bugging me the whole night!!pestering me to come my house.evil girls.hahas.without fail we had fun again.great time gossiping again.heh!!awesome outing!i'm looking forward to every saturday.
and one more thing.PLEASE don't make out lies just to help yourself gain some favour and get your girl.if you are a flirt just simply admit it and dont make it sound like you are the one dumping girls when not even one had acepted you la.i hate you too and all along i have been.
have been exercising more often now.i wanna look pretty!wolalala.
i'm still not use to the life of being single.but i will never go back to him.
joyce loves her friends so much.=)
i wanna be loved.
*cant get the photos uploaded.damn!