just me.JOYCE.

Oct 15, 2006


today should be a great day.but everything just went wrong.
tour ard ang mo kio was our great achievement yesterday.first ard amk central(the whole of it) next a cabbie ride to block 638 and then a walk thru the 30 blocks to our final destination block 608 and we waited for another one and a half hour for our food.yea.we went food hunting again yesterday for botak western food.hahas.and in fact it was good the food.no regrets.the dogs and cajun chicken and fish&chips was simply heavenly.taste as good as any restaurant out there.but the price is CHEAP!worth waiting.and my poor peizheng walked thru the 30 blocks with her heavy bag.i'm so sorry girl.didnt thought of ur bag while we were walking.sweat like mad when we reached there.before the amk trip we went to thomson rd for prata again.hahas.i love the milo dinosaur.so nice!
in all yesterday was a food day.
*i dont seem to know what is happening.is just that there are too much misunderstanding and complication.we seem to be drifting but i dont wish to end this friendship.you will always be my best friend.thats for sure!
*you said today we are going out.and in the end it was all cancelled when i already planned everything.
a screwed up morning.
havent planned anything for the day.
blessed me with a wonderful last day of hoilday.


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