just me.JOYCE.

Sep 15, 2006

feeling really down now.mom's getting from back to worst.i dont know what to do.nothing seems to be able to pleased her and she's making everyone pissed.including myself. i'm lost and i dont know what to do.called him and said whatever was bothering me.and i felt better.after all he is still the one i turned to when problem occurs.
went k-box with qiuxia in the morning.sang like crazy and went for some job thingy at international plaza.joyce is desperate for a job now.hahs.
few days back were all spent giving tuition to stella and ah zheng.
watched the host.funny thriller.hahas.had hagen dazz ice cream that day.yummy yummy.
got a really bad haircut.
cut my hair short(really short that kind).with straight fringes and orange highlight.
yucks!i dont like my hair.
complaining for so many days le.but its not getting any better.
i'm so in love with chocolate now.
holidays are getting boring.
joyce needs a job badly.she's so broke.
hopes for mama to be better.
looking forward to meet ah zheng tml for our movie!hahas.


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