just me.JOYCE.

Aug 1, 2006


i'm so tired now.have been doing my tutorial for the pass four hours and i'm dying soon.
lets make this post short and sweet.=)
30 july(sunday)
met wenyi and peizheng for breakfast.went to swensen and have my free ice cream.hahas.we ordered mushroom chicken burgar and chicken cutlet.super nice.hahas.took so many photos.
went to botanic garden to meet qianjun jensen and en qing.
did my surveying job.super boring!
half way through qianjun and joyce had their heart to heart talk outside the toilets.cleared some misunderstanding and i felt closer to her once again!
finally we finished the surveyed job.
we did some handicraft stuff at the booth.thank you qianjun for paying.hahas.
went to some swan lake and look at the beautiful swans.took lots of photo.
night came.
and mr ang made a reservation at the restuarant in the botanic garden.super posh restuarant!
lots of jokes.
a wonderful and funny experience.
and the food is nice.
and i'm broke.
photo taking session again.
on my way home,met up with him.
he sang me birthday song and danced!
met up with yongling yoke and peizheng at toa payoh.
thank you yongling for the perfume.its smells great!love it!
had mos burgar again.lemon mussels superb.
went to my house and started the majong session.
we had FUN.
its been so long since we last meet up!

exams are coming.and joyce is dying.


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