just me.JOYCE.

Oct 14, 2006


wahaha.ages since i last blog.hohoho!
lets see what should i start off with.MAWAI TRIP.hahas.
a trip that i was reluctant to go, but enjoyed myself to the fullest at the end.lots of memories and fun there.bonded as our famous four rather than the class.except for some cbe people and a few seniors.didnt realised i have got sure nice and friendly seniors until we went to the trip.they arent as bad as i always thought they were.so much better than expected.hahs.just three days but its was unforgettable.list of things we did-made our very own bed,water obstacles,trekking,campfire,bathing in the dark,mud walk,firefiles cruise,survival tips and having tons of fun at south china sea.wooohoooo!joyce love her girls so much during the trip.
home sweet home.and i went to celebrate lantern festival with wenyi stella and ah zheng.not very long though,cuz when to catch a movie instead.me you and dupree.not very nice.hahas.but stay alive was good.not scary but thrilling.i LIKE.:)
next was flag day on sat.didnt do our job.hhoho.our bags are so empty la compared to the others.so embarassing.but we are lazy bums!hahs.met up with qiuqiu next at china town with kailin.had yam cha.very nice.i'm in love with the mango and prawn dim sum.its heavenly nice man.hahas.shopshop and eateat ard again.had some mango dessert too!nicenicenice.hoho.i wanna go eat again.
sunday was tuitioning day.
monday was famous four day.long day indeed.jurong east to make my ez link card(ohya.lost my ezlink card when i was sick last week.how suay can i get right.argh!) den to bedok to collect birdy and my pay.ate congee, some fried tofu and carrot cake.not too bad.travel back all the way to bishan.shopping and neoprinting and eating.bought some nice purses.delicious laksa minced meat noodles and wanton mee!birdy left us half way thru.damn sad.:(den teresa and huixian came over to my house area.had supper.fried hokkien mee satay and ice jelly.ate like crazy that day.thanks to teresa joyce is gaining weight like no tommorow.argh!den precious teresa stay over at my house.had fun.
met cindy on tues.miss you so much girl.catch up so much and realised how long we didnt talk.was amaze by cindy's making of shoes and earrings.so amazing can.made orders with her.yea.getting my new shoes and earrigns.wolalala.got myself a new long RED sleeves.pretty.joyce is so in love with red now.hahas.
met my beloved beauty four on thurs.hahas.dont angry la qiuqiu and klChia.hahas.we are the beauty four k?lol.k box-ing frm 2 to eight omg.so long.sing until no voice man.hahas.lotsa fun.dancing jumping laughing.super tired after that.took neoprints aagin.party party prints.gonnna miss you girls so much again.school starting on monday.really hope we can squeeze some time out and meet up k?
its just some feelings i still cant let go off.but i know its better to stay this way.
friday was another famous four day.i'm lazy to say so much.in all.we made our new key chains with our name on it.eva ella elsa and emma.its four pieces of jigsaw that fits perfectly.i like it so much.its our uniquely famous four keychain.hahas.four identical shirt to be worn on monday.hohhoohoo.
well.joyce is into red and exercising now.
aerobics classes starting next week.
goal for the month-a slimmer joyce.
so much more to say...
but i'm lazy.


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