just me.JOYCE.

Oct 21, 2006

specially for you.

with the nervousness i had when i first entered BLT.wondering what kind of friends would i met there.qianjun and joyce are in the same clique and they are happy to go to the same course togther.but they wonder if they could be able to connect with teresa and huixian who are from another clique in mo3.we didnt talk much during our first year in the same class and joyce know nuts abt them.in her memories they are quiet and nice girls.different from qianjun and me-crazy, crazy and totally crazy people.
one semester have passed.and you cant imagine how the four of us actually get together and bonded and love each other.
we stand by each other during our exam period-sharing our stress.we enjoyed together when exam ended.we went to mawai trip together and countless trips out.our photo taking session.take photos everywhere we went?rmb.neo prints experience and most importantly our formation of famous four-emma ella elsa and eva.its a friendship so strong for us.we wore the same shirt made the same keychains.and we make sure the place is hell noisy when four of us are together.that's for sure.regardless of location!shared our worries and problems.and encouraging each other every now and then.i cant imagine myself so indugle with fun when i'm with you people.its really brighten my days and looking forward for every outing we gonna have together!
teresa and huixian arent quiet people.they are mad, mad and totally mad people.hahas.but qianjun and joyce are more crazy.that's the balance we had.qianjun and joyce doing funny things and teresa and huixian laughing.sometime the other way round.we love spending time together.
although its only a sem that we have been so close together.but to joyce,she had already know each of you for a lifetime.its the closeness and happiness i had with you girls that cant be measured by time.
life arent as empty after i met you girls.
you people are so great!even filling up the empty space i had after he left me.
schools are most interesting now.
you girls are the colour of my life!

we will grow together.
we will learn together.
we will laugh together.
and we will stay together forever.

joyce loves qianjun-ella.
joyce loves teresa-emma.
joyce loves huixian-elsa.

thats a promise!


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