just me.JOYCE.

Mar 29, 2006


we love taking photos!


woohooooooooo.i'm off today and i'm now at my beloved peizheng's house.
went to east coast to cycle and it rained!damn.supposed to be 2 hours but we only cycled an hour or so.spend the other hour at gelare.delicious ice cream and waffles.i'm getting fat but i dont care.hahas.spotted a tiny puny shop with great stuffs!nice bikinis,shorts and shirts.saw a beautiful christine dior collar tee.its really attractive.BUT i cant afford.hahas.gonna save up first!
looking forward to my sumptuous dinner tonight!its ma ma birthday today.
i'm missing my sweet now.
gooday people.


TML IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!!because its mine long awaited offday and my ma ma birthday.
woohoo.days at hangten are horribly long and tiring!pampered myself with ice cream on my way home.actually days are pretty nice when there is francisca 'bloody hell' anderson werid singing ocassionally visit from hweeting.
met my darling today FINALLY!didnt meet up for like 13 days.had 2 heated arguments.bad bad bad.but i still love him!
last friday was an awesome friday night!had 2 free movies.yayness.failure to launch and district 13 with peizheng and wenyi and jarryd.the day was great.i love it!finally had my long john slivers!yummy together with prawns!
last thursday was spent singing for 3 full hours at k box and working.=0
last tuesday was MARVELLOUS!had fun that day.and my bread was squashed and char kway tiao was delicious.
going cycling tml.i'm looking forward!
joyce miss everyone.

Mar 21, 2006


working is BORING but working at hang ten simply just make it WORST!
yeahs.this week offday should be on thurs and friday if it isnt going to be any changes.
its been a week i have seen my sweetie and even longer that i didnt meet up with qianjun kailin and qiuxia.miss you gals so much!and yongling too.
thursday is for peizheng and friday for sweetie.i'm looking forward.
life now=work+eat+sleep+phone.


Mar 18, 2006


I LOVE MY PUMA BELT!pretty pretty.
went to catch mine yours and ours,super nice movie.i love it.touching and funny.pastamania was great.spending time with peizheng is always superb!the other half of the day was working.boring boring.
tuesday was really enjoyable.went to the zoo with my sweet and maxim.yeah!i'm happy cuz i saw so so many animals la.the money were funny.making some silly noise.polar bear is huge and the white tiger swimming in the water is amazing.i love outing with my sweet.
working in hang ten is really a wrong choice.although the people there are nice but their policy is bad really bad.anyway.to my dearest qianjun-don't brood over the incident okies?the horrible ash is going to get his retribution real soon.lets just be strong ya?
sweet is at his friend chalet now.and i'm missing him is like so many day i never see him la.i love you sweetie.
working tml again.=(

Mar 14, 2006

Read below:


but. tmr shall be one of another memorable day:)

Mar 11, 2006


photos took the other day.really miss you girls so much!hope to meet up soon ya.and lastly happy birthday ah zheng once again!love.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dearest peizheng!joyce wishes you to be pretty and cheerful always.friends ard me are all turning eighteen.poor me still stuck at seventeen ya heh.
after three hard day at work.
work is tiring but fun.people are nice but hours are long.but money still brighten my day!hahas.
met yongling today for lunch.
i really miss my sweetie.i wanna see you tml my dear!
heard frm my ma ma.auntie mayb bringing me to taiwan!hope the dates gonns fits my right before school reopens!
i'm tired.nights!looking forward to my off day.

Mar 9, 2006


yeah.me and qianjun found a job at hang ten ya.the pay is rather low but we really need a job ya.so just hope is going to be a FUN job.heh.
everybody love my brownie only qiu xia never say she love it.bad qiu xiong!i'm happy cuz it was my first try.wahahahs.
meet up with qianjun and qiu xiong at causeway point.went for job interview with qianjun.gave pei zheng her gift and the brownie.I"M SO SORRY GAL THAT I CANT ACCOMPANY YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!I REALLY FEEL GULITY!SORRY SORRY SORRY!!promise you will make up for you some day okies? sweet went to meet pz together with me.had dinner with him.jokes,slapping game,his burping session and his hug.really love him so so much!!
i'm starting work tml.and is 1030 am to 1030 pm.is so so long la.hais.i'm working at great world lucky is rather a quiet branch i think.gonna have no time to shop,talk and sleep le.i'm not happy but cuz of money.got no choice ya.
going to have lesser time spend with you le sweetie.hope is not going to affect our relationship.cuz i still love you so so much!
tml shall be the start of my boring life.work work work!

Mar 6, 2006


I MADE BROWNIES TODAY! for dearie, ah zhen and my dearest FRIEND!
early in the morning, went to TP & NP to accompany peizhen and dearie to do their appealling stuff. saw the cut-off points. kinda shocking ya.

went to tampines mall and bought ah zhen her birthday present and a GREEN ADIDAS WATCH! woohoooo! FINALLY WATCHED BIG MAMA TODAY! so funny! i love it so much. haha. had nachos! MY FAVOURITE!

Then went to tanjong pajar to HUNT for jobs. headed to bugis then to accompany peizhen to get anjie birthday present. on the way home met wenyi and she suggested doing brownie as a form of apology to her boyfriend and here comes our CAKE! it's alot of them! sooooo many of them! got heart shaped brownies too! it's totally fun! gonna try that again next time!

love you so much dearie!

gonna sleep now! tired! nights.

Mar 5, 2006

new blogskin!

wooohoooo.spend the past few hours looking for a nice blogskin.finally i found one.heh.
although it isnt very nice.but i still LOVE it.

bye people.going for a jog now with wenyi.

good day everyone!

i'm back!

happy little joyce is back!heh.thanks for everyone concern!i LOVE all of you.woohoo!
heh.so wad the reason behind for letting joyce ng so unhappy.it is all because of RONALD SNG WEE BENG!!!i'm gonna hate you for that ya.kidding.
friday spent my whole day with that little bad boy!gonna compensate as i say.enjoyed myself.i love you sweetie!
saturday was great!played majong at jarryd house(wenyi's bf) together with his 2 friends.fun game although i lose ONE FIFTY.hahas.count myself lucky jarryd won 2o over bucks la.heh.free macdonald meal!
i'm enjoying life now without exams.cool man!
i seriously need a job now any recommendation anyone?
cracking my brain to make peizheng birthday the best it can be!

meeting peizheng dearie tiffany and an jie tml to do some posting stuff in np and tp.joyce wishes for them to get their sch soon.
hoping to catch big ma ma tml!yeah.

joyce is happy now!
looking for a new blogskin.

Mar 3, 2006

i'm feeling the worst it can be now.
exams are finally over and i'm not happy.
went to great world city today with mo3 and 3 mo1s and desireee.
had big prawn mee.super boring movie(wolf creek).ben and jerry ice cream was yummy.
the days ahead are planned with events but i arent sure if is the right choice.

i wish for happiness.
i know i'm in the fault today.no i shouldn't say is totally my fault is was just coincidence that my phone was low batt and stuff.i know u meant well and is was really very sweet of you.but i just hope you understand i do love you and i'm sorry.i admit that i didnt have enough time for you and i know not having time isnt any excuse.but i promise i'm going to compensate soon okies?

is really sad whenever i try to make up for you and you reject.i know i'm been saying sorry for upteen times.you may be used to it but that was the least i can do to tell you i'm really sry.
the many things that happen nowadays is not within my control and i seek for your undertsanding.

i just want to let you know i'm not good at making you happy now.all i can do now is to tell you i truly love you and only you.