just me.JOYCE.

Dec 27, 2005

.just a post.

i love colours!!!
monday.i cut my hair.but it doesnt seem to be much different.but i'm fine with cuz i'm cutting for the sake of cutting.went to sweet house.i change my blogskin and i'm loving it.wahahas.
tuesday.today.met up with weixin and teressa and sebestian and ivan to do our project.yeah.finally some stuff are done.and i love de poster me and weixin did.had kfc for lunch.zinger burgar is nice cheese fries is yummy too!had mac-furrly and nuggets.omg!i just cant stop eating.and i know i'm getting fat but i just cant help it.i'm tempted to eat.hai!
going back to my secondary school band tml.i'm looking forward!i miss all the peeps there!
my next aim is to control my diet and EXCERISE!wahaha.i'm going for it.=)

Dec 25, 2005


Merrry Christmasss!!!!
i got so many things to announce!!!
1.i'm back with HIM!!
2.i got my super super super big EEYORE!!!!
3.i had a wonderful christmas and the many presents and the cards and the additional eeyoreS added to the BIG family!!!!
4.i'm the most happy little girl in this world!!!
5.i love everyone!!
okok.let me explain why i'm so so so so happy.heh.
tuesday.went to meet peizheng.and i bought like so many many things la.gifts for everyone.a golden wallet.flesh imp shirt.earrings.and many more.caught perhaps love.nice movie.my christmas gift is a "me to you" thingy and a beautiful choco!!had orange julius for dinner.yummy.a great day!
thursday.met up with cindy.ate pizza hut.watch king kong.super nice show also.she gave me many many handmade stuffS!!!really appreciate her effort and i LOVE them.especially the holder with my name!met nick after my movie.got my 2nd eeyore.thanks nick!oooyaaa.first eeyore was frm terressa!!thanks gal.a super great day!
friday.met up with miao xia and kit ying and miao zhen and pei zheng!!!wooohoooooo.it had been years since i last saw them!we went to k box.den shopping.and my addiction to the game in that acarde.OMG.its a super nice game la.i almost won a V3 is really almost.i believe with some luck i'm sure i can make it!and and my first meeting with my super big EEYORE.this 2 stuff really gets me excited for the whole day.took neoprints.i LOVE taking photos!!went amk to find my dearest ah zheng.went to mos burgar chit chatting.my fav!i waslike laughing so loud until everyone start loking at me.i was like happy la.so i laugh so loud.heh.exchanging of gifts.got a white bear frm miao zheng!a super super great day!
saturaday.i met up with him to get back my stuff!!!and this is the day we went back to each other.seriously.we may have broke up for upteen timeS.but i really thinks that i LOVE you.i may have say that we arent suitable for each other,u dont love me and all the stufff and even we are just not use to not having each other,all this doesnt applies anymore.i have made up my mind.you are mine!and i'm urs too!love you lots darling,and sry for giving u cold shoulders,those hurting words and saying NO to you for countless times!i have decided to give you one LAST chance.so cherish it okies.=)a super super super great day!I LOVE MY SWEETIE!
sunday.christams day.went to k box with qiu xia and kailin and qianjun.woohooo.nice nice meeting.i lOVE all of them.we sang and sang.they are tired but we still sing!hahas.exchanging of presents!i got kailin's.a earrings heh.its spolit.but i still love it.so kai ka dun bother to get another gift ok?its fine with me.no worries.the next part.met up with sweetie!got my big big EEYORE.thanks honey.i love it like so super much!next we ate ajiseni had de volcano thingy.its spicy.but nice.heh.i got a levis shirt for sweet.got myself a converse shirt.he got himself a pair of converse shoe.we took photos too!well its back to the past,where i'm enjoying every moment that i spend with him.he never fails to make me laugh and occupied my whole mind.i simply love him!its just too nice.so many great things happen to me.i'm contented!another super super super super great day!
with the ever increasing happiness in me.i just feel that life is beautiful with all these wonderful memories!and i'm looking forward to every single day!
thanks to everyone that is making me happy!hahas.and one not happy thing.i'm broke again after christmas!hahas.but i'm still OK with it.woooohooooooo!!!!!!

Dec 17, 2005

.fruitful week.

got a class bbq on tuesday.woohoo.is it super fun!!de bbq was held at a condo in bukit batok.nice condo.went to west mall first to get birthday gifts for shimin and huixian and my gio pants.=)played "donkey" a new introduced by pey chee it is a nice game.abt the different degrees donkey.heh.fun game.next was the BIG thing.another couple in our class.heh.the process was sweet and nice.think is the best birthday gift for huixian.:)the rest of the night was slacking ard chatting and stuff.oya one more thing.darren can cook well.haha.the bbq food was one of the best i have ever tasted.its yummy.thanks to darren!the night was fun memorable and cool!
went to do dome networking research with qianjun and nick.we intended to go ard the singtel shops hoping that we might get some info frm them.but in de end didnt get much.have our lunch at "the pizza place" it think.the pasta is good.:)wanted to catch king kong at cine.but de tickets were sold out.so.qianjun qiuxia nick ivan and me watched the descent.wahaha.is a M18 show.but we managed to sneak in.yay!!my first M18 show when i'm not 18.wahaha!!!well.is a pretty nice show.thrilling.our hearts were like pumping throughout the show.nice nice!!thumbs up.visited my dearest zheng zheng at watson.heh.miss her ao much!! ate brownies and got a gift for teresa.next ivan and qiuxia head to geylang.and i went home.
ooyyaa.the 2 week term break is here!!but i'm overloaded with projects and test.so sad,but still gonna my christmas and everything.
somethimes i just hope that stuff arent as complicated as i thought.
i'm looking forward for christmas.gonna meet up with my girlfirends again.=)yay!!!
i'm happy!!

Dec 10, 2005

.the parting.

we were both walking in opp direction towards the bridge.my heart was pumping.angry at the same eime nervous.gwhen i'm getting closer.there is a urge for me to hug him and cry.but i didnt.he passed me de money and we both turned and walk in opp direction.i was hoping tat he would turn back and hold onto me.but he didnt.perhaps its all over and no point hanging on to it.the best way is to forget every single thing bot him.when i was walking hm i didnt have de courage to turn back and look at him.i dont even have the courage to look into his eyes.we didnt say any single word and parted.the feeling hurts!!
before we met there is a sms section.he actually tot i had a boyfriend already.which is totally a NO!perhaps he saw me with someone and mistood him for my bf.i hate all this.there is all.no chemistry no trust and nothing left.
'im gonna led a better life without you.i promised.
.i'm sad.


its another day.went to bugis yesterday.woohoo.saw fiona xie at brash plaza art's friend!!she is pretty.her hair is nice!!not bad.heh.ate ajisen dining.yummy!!went hm and sweet dream!
today.went to old folks hm with cindy and her classmates.sharon.felicia.shiong hung.johnny!!they are a fun grp of ppl.nice peeps.eh.de folks there are friendly.they talks alot.they shared they experiences with us.but sometimes we just go "orh orh orh" haha.but most of the time we are trying hard to make out wad they are saying!!heh.i think their project is fun.=)
went to lido first.ivan told me there is a half price at adiddas.went up.there is nice top.whit with yellow printing.but de white seem to b dirty.so didnt get any stuff.headed to fast east next hoping to serch for my orange shirt that mom lost.but didnt find.sad.ps next.bought a globe jigsaw for my dearest ah zheng.fixed it up within 30 mins.it is super nice la.can i dont give it to her.feel like keeping it for myself.dinner at food court.ate miced meat noddles.my fav!!here comes de msg thingy.
can you just say tat u will return me de money by tml.and not say the money is with ya gf!!!!!is like so irrtating.trying to let me noe u gt urself someone so fast.NOOOOO.i'm angry.hate ya attitude.just a OK!damn.i believe there is a beta way to reply me ba.bastard.forget it.after tml i dont we can even be friend!!we are OVER!and i HATE you.seriously.i don't now why i make a big fuss over it.but i'm just NOT happy.forget it.
back to my shopping spree!!bought a normal top frm a shop in ps.just to replace my orange shirt.its not as nice.but still okay.woohoo.aimed a top at flesh imp!its purple with yellow printing.very very nice.gonna get it soon i believe.cindy bought de bottom i like.heh.den on our way to center point.saaw a pasa malam like thingy.went to take a look.well.good choice.we both bought the basket like bag at only 5 bucks!!!its so damn cheap la.i bought de orange while cindy gt herslef the purple.both is nice.good bargain!!!headed hm with my harvest and that heavy lappy!!!
just hope that i can get back my money and not see your face ever again!
going for dinner with ah zheng tml.=)

Dec 7, 2005

.how i wish.

.my wishes.

hoping tat tml is a holiday

to have a wonderful christmas

hoping that test and quizzes and projects would be over soon

to spend more time wth my bed

to be forgiven

to be happy

to be away from all troubles

to find a him

*hope that mommy is feeling beta!

sometimes i do and say things without thinking.but it was all out of anger.i'm sorry!

Dec 6, 2005

eeyore rocks

met up with pei zheng at newton circle on 30 nov.de food is totally yummmy!!!!we have fried hokkien mee,chicken wings,dim sum,fried oyster, satay and sugar cane with lemon.its nice.superb!!!den went to bishan after the meal.ah zheng bought a skirt.but i went home empty handed.hehe.but i'm still happy.
friday went to tampines mall with cindy to get her shoe.woohoo.and i got a e base long pants at a shocking price.its nice!!went over to her house after that to lend frm her a formal skirt for de wedding dinner on sun.ya.its pretty nice.strippy.heh.
saturday.slept de whole day long.i'm pig.hehe.wanted to do revision for cell bio but didnt have de motivation.hehe.met ivan at toa payoh and study.manage to get sth into my brain.haha.not too bad.home sweet home and back to my dreamland.heh
sunday.went to causeway point with pei qi.was suppose to go there shop shop and nt waste any money.but ended up buying a shirt at check.BUT!!!!it gone missing today.i HATE this. i haben even wore it once la.n now it is GONE!!!!!!thanks to my mom not looing after my shirt and let it flew downstairs!!argh.i'm damn angry la.screamed for 45 mins.argh.this is a bad thing!!bought a present for cindy.its nice.and i think she gonna love it.hehe.
monday.stayed in school and do projects!!seem like there is nothing much intersting in sch anymore.other than projects..there is quizzes..tests.its getting boring and taking up all my time.i HATE this!!
tuesday.which is today.went kailin's plaza to have some chinese cuisine.its yummy but kinda oily.i ate congee.is nice.de kang kong also not bad.heh.den back to sch for prac.sian.how i wished it was pushed forward.we are having far to many breaks!!!wasting our time.hai.went home rest and went swimming with wenyi.very super tiring.went for 6 laps!sound little.but i'm alraedy half dead.
just finish struggling thru de cell bio quiz.well.its kinda ookk.gonna go mugging again!

.saw him.

it was a few days back.think it was a wednesday!after lecture.we took de same bus.i was in the bus with nick.my heart was like pumping so fast but didnt manage to take a good look at him.was afraid that later he noticed and i'm dead.heh.i'm shy.only managed to spend the short short period of time with him.cuzz i alight 1 stop after nick.heh.i'm happy.told de gd news to qiu xiong.michelle comment that he is a nut.heh.but i totally dont agree!!!he is juz a honest looking chap.heh.and qianjun actually say he took de bus to his gf house.damn.so angry la.why cant u say sth nicer to make me happy.kidding.oooyaaa.kailin and qianjun also saw him at bugis with another gal.dotz.but anyway he is juz a eye candy.not someone to have.hehe.
he is cool in lecture.
.the end.