just me.JOYCE.

Sep 26, 2006



alright birdy and kailin.joyce is here to blog again.hahas.
firstly i have quit that factory job.by the way its a super yucky job.i'm glad that i'm out of that shit.now joyce is working hard for money.
weekdays-admin job
weekends-promotor job
hahas.look at how hardworking is joyce.no time to watch my series and read my book again.heh.but money is on my way!yayness.
spend a wonderful friday night with kailin qianjun and qiuxia.we went to hard rock cafe and have our dinner.there is a live band there.it was awesome.the food there is alright.not very fantastic though.hahas.went to mooncake tasting at taka after that.wolala.i love it!durian mooncake is nice.i want to try hagen dazz ice cream.anyone willing to treat me?lol.hahas.silly three girls keep calloing my name loudy at the fair la.its super embarassing can.hahas.took a few photos.hohoho.
yesterday was monday.went ice skating with some mo3s mates.so loing didnt meet up le.i managed to learn a little skating.but still haben gt the hang of it as yet.fall once.and weixin fell 4 times i think.hahas.clumsy weixin.met 2 little girls.they are only nine and they already started going ice skating themselves.but thesad thing was they lied to their parents that they were going to library.kids nowadays are real daring.but they are mature kids i supposed.still lying is no good.hahas.silly poses with weixin.
head to geylang next.as usual our frog porridge and durian.we ate more last night.fried oyster,duo jiang you tiao and xiao long bao.thumbs up!durian wasnt as good compared to those we had eaten all along.hohohoho.
watched the banquet, little man and haunted mansion this few days.only haunted mansion is lousy.the other two are good.surprisingly i enjoyed the banquet.hahas.
we planned many outings and i'm looking forward to them.hahas.
i wanna go pula ubin chinese garden settlers cafe ps cafe chomp chomp and sakae buffet.hahas.joyce wants to play!
the promotor job was boring.promoting some skin care products.nobody seem to be interested.jianzhong came and say i was paid to stand there and look at people.hahas.but still ok!
the admin job is the best.slacking and i have got a pantry filled with snacks.i love it man.hahas.
my hair is still so short.sob sob.
i want back my long hair!argh.=(
friday is gonna be another fun day!
will upload the photos when i have time!
oh ya.to the person who left the comment.i think you got the wrong idea of me.i'm not so in need of love.and i'm not finding love.its just some mixed feelings that i cant express out exactly.you dont understand my perception of love and you wont get it by just reading my blog.i'm enjoying life being single now!and i know love will find me not the other way round.if ever i said that it must be that i'm blogging when i'm really mad with him.anyway thanks for your comment.
good day people!

Sep 17, 2006


joyce ATE one full macdonald meal, a plate of chicken rice and four slices of pizza today.and she did nothing except standing for six hours during work!this is bad.seriously bad.
for the past few days have been gorging myself with food like there is no tomorrow.this cannot be the way man.joyce need to be on diet!
nachos popcorns long john sliver pastamania ya kun and the so many many snacks i took is gonna make me FAT.
someone comment that i'm fat today.damn.
i gonna be on diet starting from tommorow!
joyce have to slim down!
no sweet drinks no chocolate no snacks and no three whole meals from now on.
dreaming for a slim body.
found myself a job at the factory today.is boring la.and i got countles cuts on my fingers now.argh!
joyce's diet commence from 180906.

Sep 15, 2006

feeling really down now.mom's getting from back to worst.i dont know what to do.nothing seems to be able to pleased her and she's making everyone pissed.including myself. i'm lost and i dont know what to do.called him and said whatever was bothering me.and i felt better.after all he is still the one i turned to when problem occurs.
went k-box with qiuxia in the morning.sang like crazy and went for some job thingy at international plaza.joyce is desperate for a job now.hahs.
few days back were all spent giving tuition to stella and ah zheng.
watched the host.funny thriller.hahas.had hagen dazz ice cream that day.yummy yummy.
got a really bad haircut.
cut my hair short(really short that kind).with straight fringes and orange highlight.
yucks!i dont like my hair.
complaining for so many days le.but its not getting any better.
i'm so in love with chocolate now.
holidays are getting boring.
joyce needs a job badly.she's so broke.
hopes for mama to be better.
looking forward to meet ah zheng tml for our movie!hahas.

Sep 9, 2006


i'm shocked when i heard the news.tears dropped.and i cant believe it.my mind just went blank when mom told me uncle had passed away.its so unexpected.he's such a good man and a good father.it really taught me to learn to cherish everything ard you.you never know when they are going to leave you.it makes me feel that life is so vunerable and weak.its never within your control.but life and death is just a part of our cycle.we have to learn to accept and believe that the departure of someone may not always be bad.learn to grow up and adapt to the changes.
coming back to singapore.i miss the time i spend there.a feeling of emptiness from no where when i'm home now.supposed to feel better.but its not.argh!i hate all this shit.
thinking of finding a part time job.but i woudnt have time to enjoy my holis.hais.going to some trip again in oct.doesnt seem to be fun.hais.
finally going for a haircut tml.too long!
really appreciate everything you did for me during the trip.
joyce miss you.
joyce miss everyone.gonna meet my friends again next week.missing you people like crazy!
good nights.

Sep 8, 2006


day one.
tiger airline and budget terminal was not up to my expectation.the terminal look funny to me la.like some toy station.hahs.got myself a window seat at the plane but an insect drove me out of the seat.its so creepy la.an insect at the plane.omg.mayaun and i screamed and we got ourselve a new seat.hahas.the journey was good.
reached phuket.and saw our transport.a lorry.hahas.and its for police and so we became policewomen.hahas.super lok kok!big and ugle lorry.hahas.first destination was our accomodation.and my first impression of the house was omg.the toliet is horrible, the place dusty and many other complains.so they started fighting to change to hotel, but we lost.hahas.went to CDC next.its an organisation funded by this singaporean who gave up his most of his things and stay in khao lao to help out.its a place for the children to interact and learn.visited our working site.the homes are bulit by the french.not very strong i think.cuz they are only made up of wood planks.hahas.played games.bath together with birdy.hahas.new experience man!but we were really scared la.the toliet is really freaking scary.
day two.
first day of work.repair the houses using silicon.pretty fun.hahas.but its an easy task.we completed it fast.went to teh night market in the night.tried the banana prata.so nice la.prata woth condensed milk,sugar and banana.hahas.yummy yummy.drank some yogurt there.and tried some horrible balls.dont know what is it made of.but its sour and taste yucky.played some fireworks.beautiful.it pops and u see sparkles in the air.nice!
day three.
went to the beach.beautiful.the sand there are fine and the water there are clean.played some soccer game at the sand.fun at first but my toe nail broke halfway through the game.hahas.super painful can.den had our durian picnic.the durian are huge.super big one.just one can make you full.super sick.went to some memorial places for tsunami.there's something that you will feel when u are there.a mixed feeling.rather sad when you know how may lives were lost there.
day four.
did some painting at the house.we made a mess out of it.not nice at all.but its only the first coat though.hahas.went beaching again.hahas.so many beaches there la.its really nice there.our frist beach we caught hermit crabs home.hahas.so cute la.they are so small and tiny.nice!the waves are nice too.hahas.pick up quite a few sea shells.pretty ones.shopping was next.our first shopping spree.bought 2 polos and a skirt and shorts.super cheap la teh stuff there.headed to the next beach for the sunset.omg.its really amazing.you see the horizon and its just like a protrait!beautiful.went abck to the night market again.this time round bought pressie for friends and tried some coconut otah.yummy.mens strike and a blackout occured.ahahs.and someone was bathing.hahas.super funny.
day five.
painting in the morning again.but didnt get to complete it.hahas.our artpiece was rejected.hahas.so embarassing can.the owner actually rejected us.hahas.so we spend our afternoon at another market.second shopping spree.wooohooo.bought 3 tops and a bottom.cheap and good.i like!played dumb games again.ate 2o over longans and a banana.sick!
day six.
its was a rainy day.so stayed in our house for the day.and went for massage in the night.the massage was really good.they crack my whole body la.lifting you up and doing stretching.but was really comfy.massage until i sleep man.super relaxing!
day seven.
PHUKET.hahas.shopping time.went to some shopping mall-cemtral festival.shop and shop and shop.but only got myself a top and jacket from warner brother.nice nice.and i'm strating to fall in love wth superman.so cool man.handsome.celebrate thanee's birthday(our tour guide) at sweensen,the ice cream cake was delicious.headed to patong beach next!hahas.this is really cool.played with the sand and water.tanning and stuff.but the best was jumping with the waves in the middle of teh sea.FUN!hahas.fighting incident with birdy.had our dinner at a restaurant.its international buffet.yummy yummy.hahs.headed to some pub after that.tried some vodka.not nice.birdy and i shared a cup.went out to the street to do shopping instead of staying in the pub.many lady-boys seen.hahas.nice bgas and watches but i didnt get any.hahas.but the street is really nice.the trip home in the small van was horrible.hahas.so squeezy can.hahas.
day eight.
woke up in the afternoon.had lunch and then working time.hahas.slack throughout.hahas.and its night market shopping again.wolala.bought jeans bangles and slippers.hahas.yea!
day nine.
working in the morning and went to visit the bus terminal in the afternooon.got many eeyore collection there.nice!but i only bought a few.hahas.
day ten.
PHUKET.shopping time again.wolala.fruitful trip again.heh.belt bags neckcales and bangles.had seafood dinner at the restaurant.the tom yam was good.spicy man.hahas.and another shopping spree at a stretch of road after dinner.got myself a shorts.pretty!hahas.
day eleven.
working day.
day twelve.
some rotary people came.so we have to be hardworking.fixing up more of the houses.finished the show in the morning and went to another village in teh afternoon.its for the next community service trip.had a bbq session.its a farewell party.
day thirteen.
closing ceremony at the village.took photos.and we headed to our hotel in phuket.the room was nice and the place is good.shopping time again.dinner was seafood again.went back to the hotels after shopping.drank red wine-spy red.swimming in the middle of the night.and followed by a short nap.and head back to the airport and to singapore!yay!
i'm starting to miss te place now.the house seems to be better when days passes and the toliets seems to be more appealing to use compared to the first few days.the people there are so nice.we seem to be a big family.really enjoyed myself there.the jokes that no one understand except for us.we got our pets.hermit crabs and crabs.but was dead before we can bring them back to singapore.the many incidents and stuff that i will never forget.bathing experience.running away from the dogs every meal.feeding the mosquitoes.the small van we had.the games we played.the pranks and verything.its really nice and joyce loves it!
i love this fourteen days!