just me.JOYCE.

Nov 27, 2005

this week

5 days since i last blogged.well.finally finish with my TLS project.damn.is so so stressful.finally is over.heh.supposed to meet pei zheng at newton on wed.but she couldnt make it on time and i had make a wasted triip there.argh!!oyaaaaa...watched harry potter on thurs!woohoo.is nice.kinda exciting.but compare to last few movies is kinda down standard.but..i still enjoyed.heh.woohoo!!gonna catch just like heaven but seem to b a old old movie le.heh.went shopping on fri with cindy.yeah!bought a demin skirt.is so nice.i love it man.heh.=)went to town.hai.is still de same old town.nothing new nothing special at all.heh.raelly wished to move out of singapore to other countires..
i'm pissed off with some people out there that loves giving ppl attitude.i simply cant stand them.it make me feel disgusted.and the worst thing is did i do anything wrong?The answer is NOOOO!! well.cant b helped.haiz.christamas is coming and i am broke.omg.this is bad!!can anybody just accidentally-purposely drop 600 bucks on de floor.and let me tis poor gal to pick it up?fat hope!gonna save save and save to have an enjoyable christmas.argh!
i wanna lose weight!!!why.firstly i wont b named ba ba by my dear classmates.secondly,save money!!heh.good deal rite.gonna start this slimming plan soon with qianjun.jia you okies!
u say sorry again and again.how many time have you say that i have lost count! i counldnt bring myself to forgive you anymore.i juz have to force myslef to forget all about you and move on with my new life ahead!i noe it is hard but i will.
life is more to a routine now.no more colours and sparks.


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