just me.JOYCE.

Dec 24, 2006


right i am here home waiting for mom to go to work.
and gonna spend my countdown with you.

papers are kinda screwed up.

got my gifts for everyone.
properly wrapped and cards all nicely written.
its once again the christmas day.

finally have some time to enjoy myself now.

looking forward for all the plans made with my dearest girls.

saw teresa performance yesterday.
it was awesome my dear teresa!
you can dance so well!=)

ella's handmade clothes hanger is so nice!
and i'm looking forward to elsa and emma's gifts!
all hand-made.one and only.

henry and henrietta.
our sasha bears!

our first movie when we started dating:
the night in the museum.
its hilarious!
catched it right after exams!

our first christmas eve.
its beautiful.



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