just me.JOYCE.

Mar 31, 2007

just 4 things that i wanna say..

number one
really hope that you understand what i meant and still trust me like before.and what i have said is really what i meant.and hope we can take a step further to a better friendship. :)

number two
i have a great evening with my family tgt with my duckie.
happy birthday ah ma!

number three
i have just hung up your phone and you know why!

number four
u really meant alot to me.


this is the love we share.
and it shall last forever.
just wanna thank you for every single little things you did.

ok.u have just make me pissed.so i'm not gonna write any further.>.<

Mar 28, 2007

i have just wasted 3 hours on nothing.computer are really not my cup of tea.photoshop is totally alien to me.and i'm not able to edit my photos.how shitty can that get.anyway today is one of the really few days that i can reach home when the sun not set yet.however wasted this beautiful evening meddling with some dumb softwares and get nothing out of it.it have been so long since i blog like this.describing details and tiny things.anyway life have been alright now.much better in fact compared to last week where everything just went wrong.started to be more compromise-ing and understand-ing towards people.and realise by doing so makes people life much more easier and better.i ahve to stop putting my expectation high up and making demands.at least we are now 'good' friend and i enjoyed her company and appreciate her as a partner.she is one of the very few that make me change to a better person.and after a period of time i'm starting to like her again.i love mom more than i do last time.sometimes i may be just screaming my head off but deep inside i still care.happy birthday in advance mom.and hopefully tml will have a great celebration.yesterday was a nice and memorable day.actually i'm statisfied that i found you.and i really treasure everything, the fun we had,bad mood days,and blah blah which i always tell you..and most importantly the love we share.time passed and you have became such an important person in my life.and i will hold on to you till the very end.i trying my best to be a better girlfriend.and i really hope i can!for some people in contrast,the more i know them, the more disappointed i get.perhaps it is just jealously getting over my head.or maybe i'm thinking too much.but many a time, the actions just disgust me.and i have to make myself stop thinking that way.its wrong joyce!aiya whatever.i dont wish to type more on that. there are also people on the way whom stood by me.being there whenever i needed them so much.little things they did.little concern they shower on me just touched my heart.and deep inside me i treasure them as my friend.and i promise to keep them for life.drawing of blood session are starting next week and i am nervous.super nervous.its simply just scary.everyone gets different treatment.but do i get back the same treatment i gave them. and do i stand the same where they stand in my heart?the answer is unsure.and i know it is difficult.what else do i have to say.nothing!at least for the time being now, i dont have to study and anything.just enjoy the pace and have fun!i saw her eyes today.she is upset.i know.but we cant share much because of our different stand. but i just hope that she will be fine.jiayou!won my first donald duck yesterday.its really fun!and money is an issue now.i'm happy with what i have and dont have now.i'm happy with now!and i hope it can remain unchange.just like my weight!lol!!hahs.alright.i'm lazy to type more.bye.


Mar 17, 2007

i love famous four outings.

i love seahorse and horsefly.

i love zheng and friends.

i hate fyp.


i still love duckie.


