just me.JOYCE.

Feb 21, 2007


euro funfair is super fun.
ferrywheels is nice.
thrilling rides.

nice fireworks.

two great movies.

winning treats from pokers.

overnight stay at my house.

i'm simply so in love with you.

Feb 17, 2007

happy chinese new year people!

though the ending of this year wasnt as nice.

good day people.

Feb 10, 2007

EXAMS are finally over.
and its all screwed up.

bye bye.

Feb 1, 2007


hohoho.joyce is back.
joyce's blog not dead yet.

exams are coming.on the 5th 7th and the 9th.

so many things to update.
i dont know where to start.

have a great day people.

thank you duckie for fixing my lappy.
